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6 Middle School students from the MUN club at Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm attended the New York CWMUN conference. Two of our students, Ariba Bilal and Emily Oakey,[...]
Hello and welcome to our new website. You will find links to all of Futuraskolan International schools and preschools.
Samtidigt som vi lägger en händelserik termin och ett 10-års jubileum bakom oss är vi fullt upptagna med att starta upp en ny termin. Jag tror att ni håller[...]
Words from the CEO September 2017 In 2007, Futuraskolan International was founded in Gåshaga on Lidingö with the vision of being the best stepping stonefor future world citizens. It[...]
We’re thrilled to present to you Futuraskolan’s graduating class of 2018. Today the grade 9 students from our schools at Rådan, Stockholm, Lidingö and our International school attended a[...]
Kevin Munro, principal at Bergtorp appears in this article from Mitt i. Read about his background in Stockholm and his journey to Bergtorp Rektor. Mitt i Täby
Another successful and intensive academic year has come to an end. In our pre-schools and schools we have prepared for the end of the school year and upcoming summer[...]
Good day, My name is Tom Callahan and I am honored to have been chosen to assume the role of acting CEO of Futuraskolan. I am the proud father[...]
Students from Futuraskolan International Rådan appear in a segment discussing #metoo a year on since the internet hashtag was spawned. skip to 4:15 Lilla Aktuellt
Good afternoon members of the Futuraskolan community, Happy Monday! What a lovely sunshiny autumn day it is. It is a festive time of the year for us working in[...]