Brunbärsvägen - Futuraskolan
International Curriculum International School of Stockholm

Who we are

Futuraskolan International Brunbärsvägen is an international pre-school which follows the Swedish national curriculum in combination with Fieldwork Education’s International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC). We have 120 children between the ages of 1 and 6 years. Departments are created based on the ages of the children and vary in size from 15 to 21 children per group. Each department is lead by a team of teachers. We focus on providing our children with a voice, engaging activities and recognizing their day to day accomplishments. Most importantly, we want our children to have fun!

Our Location

We are located in Ruddammen, Östermalm. Outside our school is a large playing field and playground area and we are only a short walk away from the forest Lill-Jansskogen. By utilizing the city transportation we have a plethora of Stockholm’s museums, theatres and parks at our fingertips.

What we offer and how we work

We work thematically to stimulate learning in the areas of language, mathematics and natural sciences.

Each department has an age specific learning environment which is designed to encourage and stimulate the development of the children. We also have common areas such as our gym, art room, dramatic play area, math and construction areas, natural science area and libraries where the children can interact with other groups of varying ages.

English is our medium of communication but we also provide the children with opportunities to develop their Swedish language and mother tongue through the use of literature, songs, events and everyday interaction.

Along with indoor daily activities, the children are provided outdoor play two hours daily.

Our partnership with the home is developed in many ways, one of which is through the Parent Support Association. This is a forum for open dialog with our parents where we can exchange ideas and encourage parent involvement.

Welcome to Futuraskolan International Preschool Brunbärsvägen!

“Our home away from home”

✨🌸🌏~ Places now available at Futuraskolan International Preschool Gashaga! Apply Now!~🌎🌸✨

🌸🫶✨We wish you a lovely summer! Rest up, have fun, enjoy ~and see you in August! 🍉🌻☀️😎⛱️ 

🎶Song performed by Rådan students
✨🌸🌏~ Places now available at Futuraskolan International Preschool Gåshaga! Apply Now! ~🌎🌸✨@futuraskolanpreschool_gashaga
We’re thrilled to announce that @futuraskolan_radan has been officially certified as a Skola för Hållbar Utveckling by Skolverket!

This achievement reflects the outstanding efforts of our dedicated staff in integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into our daily activities through the IPC and IMYC, as well as through our focused, short- and long-term projects under the GCP. We are immensely proud of this recognition and our ongoing commitment to sustainability. 

Futuraskolan’s Grade 9 Prom 2024 was an unforgettable night filled with glitz, glamour, and memories that will last a lifetime. Hagaparken provided the perfect backdrop for this wonderful evening.

Our students looked stunning. The dance floor was alive with energy as everyone swayed to the music, dancing the night away, laughing, singing, and making memories that we hope they will cherish forever.

The food was delicious, the music was fantastic. The best part of the night was seeing our students spend time with friends and classmates, celebrating all they have achieved together.

To the Grade 9 students of Futuraskolan, we are so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you will always remember and fondly embrace your time at Futuraskolan.✨🌟✨

#FuturaskolanProm2024 #Hagaparken #Grade9 #PromNight #MemoriesForLife
#futuraskolan #international #grade9 #prom #tradition #proud #students #teachers
🏆 Göran Lindholm Cup winners 9A at Futuraskolan International Bergtorp here with the man himself Göran Lindholm.

For those who don’t know he was a sports teacher, mentor and sports coordinator for Futuraskolan Bergtorp over FORTY years 💪


#futuraskolan #international #beststeppingstone #worldcitizens #täby #cup #bergtorp #winners #9A
👩🏽‍🍳👨🏻‍🍳🧑🏾‍🍳Grade 6 has been working hard in HKK to create their own restaurants in teams. They came up with a name, slogan and design for the signs and the menus. They chose a type of cuisine, the style of the restaurant, worked out prices for their dishes, and created menus with explanations and pictures.

Last week, they finished the project by bringing a dish from their menu to share with class. The students did an incredible job! Their menus were detailed with great designs, and their food was incredible!


#futuraskolan #international #gåshaga #grade6 #hkk #hemkunskap #homeeconomics #restaurant #delicious #food #chefs #schools #lidingö👩🏽‍🍳👨🏻‍🍳🧑🏾‍🍳


Opening hours
Futuraskolan International förskolor följer Stockholm stads regler för barnomsorg och öppettider. Vi håller öppet alla helgfria dagar utom midsommar, julafton samt nyårsafton.

Monday - Friday: 0630 - 1830
Contact us
Pre-School Principal Ivett Tamayo +46 (0) 767-23 44 57
Admissions Please contact our principal or coordinator
Pre-School Vice Principal Sasa Slavnic +46 (0) 73 146 10 77
Find us
Brunbärsvägen 7, 114 21 Stockholm