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Currently 34 students , 8 teachers, are here in the Philippines and more are coming this sunday! We are just starting to get a glimpse of the importance of[...]
This week a film crew from the BBC did an expose on the Swedish government’s decision making regarding Covid-19. In the investigative phase of the video they came to[...]
Enjoy some energy and thoughts as we send our love to the Philippines and the children, teachers, families and friends we share our open internationally minded programs with in[...]
Futuraskolan International today formally publishes the reported grade statistics for our compulsory schools year 9 students for 2019/2020. It is our belief that transparent and reliable information is important[...]
Good morning members of the Futuraskolan International community, I write to you this morning to express my appreciation and gratitude for all of your tremendous efforts over the past[...]
Right now Futuraskolan International Kottlas students show their work in the exhibition: ”Our Future is on Fire”. The exhibition is a collaboration between the local UN-association at Lidingö and[...]
New music website coming out of Kottla – May 15th stay tuned…
The average person is estimated to listen to around 3500 songs a year! Or around 1650 hours a year; which would equate to more than 1/10 of your waking[...]
Dear all Congratulations Futuraskolan International Näsby Park, Skarpäng and Danderyd !! You are all amazing!! Our amazing staff, parents and children have been working really hard to raise money[...]
We have a new article published in The Local today. HERE It demonstrates how Futuraskolan International has stayed active helping in the community, in new and inovative ways.