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Futuraskolan‘s Got Talent! On March 13th, Futuraskolan held our incredible Annual Music Festival where our schools came together in harmony! From practice to the actual show, the stage was[...]
Futuraskolan’s third Grade 9 GCP Greece Trip is underway – Join Our Adventure Below 🙂 ~ Greece Round Three, Day 1~ Our 28 lucky Futura students have officially touched[...]
Have a read about Futuraskolan Gåshaga School, Lidingö, and how we prepare our students in Grades F-6 for the world.
Welcome to Our Open Houses in January! Join our school’s Open Houses and learn more about what we do locally in our units. January 20th – Open House Futuraskolan[...]
Futuraskolan International Stockholm (Bilingual) students in grade 8 have been to Bosnia! Through the Atlas Organization and Futuraskolan’s Global Citizenship Program our students in Grade 8 in Futuraskolan International[...]
Futuraskolan joined teams with ELIX on our 9th graders’ October trip to Greece through our Global Citizenship Program (GCP) ELIX is a Civil, Non Profit Company, founded in 1987[...]
Futuraskolan’s Grade 9 GCP Trip to Greece! Futuraskolan Grade 9’s had a fantastic trip to Greece this October. Through the Erasmus+ programme some of our grade 9’s were able[...]
-HOT OFF THE PRESSES- from ECIS! Read this month’s issue of Spotlight On: Futuraskolan! ECIS has featured our very own Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm in their monthly newsletter![...]
Grade 6 had a big adventure through the Global Citizenship Program! Futuraskolan International Rådan and Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm’s 6th graders had an incredible time at Futuraskolan Global[...]
Bergtorp Grades 4 & 5 Fall Term 2026 – APPLY NOW!