Rådan F-9 - Futuraskolan
International Curriculum International School of Stockholm


Every school year we start with the Brainwave unit. We are learning about the brain and how it works. We will be exploring the ways in which we can use our brains to learn lots of new and different things every day, enabling us to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding that we will need to become successful adults. By finding out more about how we learn, and how we can improve the way that we learn, we will be better equipped for meeting the many challenges ahead of us.

About us

Futuraskolan International Rådan is a bilingual school with an international focus and caters for Grades F-9. The foundation of our education is the Swedish curriculum. In an increasingly globalized and challenging world, we believe that knowledge of languages is essential. A bilingual school means that English and Swedish have equal roles. Not only do the students experience English in school subjects, but they also encounter and use it more everyday, for example in the playground and at Fritidshemmet.

We are also working to develop the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and the International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC) as a way of working in our school. We believe that these curricula promotes student curiosity, creativity, participation and commitment. We see that the thematic elements and the topic-integrated approach creates a whole and meaningful context for our students.

Futuraskolan International’s values are based on progressiveness, energy and respect (PER). Progress is reached partly because our education is based on scientific foundations and proven experience. A part of that follows current developments in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). The preschool to grade 6 classes are currently working with iPads as part of the teaching and grades 7-9 are working with Chromebooks.

Language is one of the keys to development, both individually and socially. During the school year, we actively promote reading and writing strategies at the school.

We have an active School Council (School and Parent Association), which is an important part of the work at Futuraskolan International Rådan. The School Council is made up of parent representatives from all school classes. Its role is advisory (no decision making) and the group works toward developing meaningful cooperation between school and home.

Our vision is to be the best stepping stone for future world citizens.

We welcome you to Futuraskolan International Rådan!

A Message from Our Principal

I have the great pleasure as principal of Futuraskolan Rådan to warmly welcome you to our bilingual school, a small school with wonderful possibilities. Our school is from Preschool class (förskoleklass) up to 9th grade, with 300 students. Our vision is to be the best stepping stone for future world citizens.

Futuraskolan Rådan is a school where learning is made visible, we work with Looking for Learning as part of the IPC (International Primary Curriculum) and IMYC (International Middletown Year Curriculum). Our students have the best chance to achieve their individual goals based on their needs together with our highly skilled educators .

The school’s dedicated educators are very well trained and are well prepared to develop the students knowledge, skills and values. In our school we have a well-founded sense of confidence and trust everyone, students and employees alike are part of a positive and stimulating community.

We feel that professional educators and positive relationship towards each other are crucial for the students to succeed in the future. We strive to create the best learning conditions for our students.

Catharina Tornberg,

The IPC Explained

Sofiadagen – A summary video of our founder, Sofia Alm, and the work we do, as a school, with the UN Sustainable Development Goals through the Global Citizenship Program.


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Contact us
Vice Principal Duncan Matheson duncan.matheson@futuraskolan.se +46 (0) 730-31 49 16
School Administrator / Registrar Natasha Moore radan@futuraskolan.se +46 (0) 729-66 27 05
After School Activities (Fritids) Damla Bakleyen radanfritids@futuraskolan.se +46 (0) 704-56 92 77
Find us
Rådan Skolan 3, 191 38 Sollentuna