Bergtorp 6-9 - Futuraskolan
International Curriculum International School of Stockholm

Learn more about our sports programme -Click below



Take a digital tour of Bergtorp and see what we do HERE.




About us

At Futuraskolan International Bergtorp we are passionate about having the students drive their individual academic development. By offering enrichment programs aimed at engaging students in their learning journey we are able to personalize the student experience with the aim of facilitating lifelong learning processes. We work with an ambitious international curriculum model named The International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC). We believe that this International curriculum promotes student curiosity, creativity, participation and commitment. We see that the thematic elements and the topic-integrated approach creates a whole and meaningful context for our students.

Futuraskolan International’s values are based on progressiveness, energy and respect (PER).

Our vision is to be the best stepping stone for future world citizens.

Bergtorpsskolan was built in 1970 as a new, large kommunal middle school. It operated successfully for many generations with many ‘Awards for Quality’ Futuraskolan International took over ‘Bergtorpsskolan’ in 2010. It is one of the seven Futuraskolan schools in Stockholm (2 in Stockholm, 2 on Lidingö, 2 in Sollentuna.) All of our schools are International in style. The school is 6600 sqm close to Viggbyholms station.

The school is comprised of ca 620 students in 23 classes; with a combined staff of 65. The teachers reflect our community with a variety of old/new, male/female, experienced/newly qualified and local/international teachers. The school prides itself in a strong academic program enhanced by the enrichment program. Every student participates in a life skills program at the school.

School Enrichment Programs (Profile Classes):

To complement our International Curriculum and to give students a more personalized learning experience Futuraskolan International Bergtorp offers three Enrichment Programs:

  • Music, Drama and Dance, Creative Arts (Musik, drama och dans)
  • Global Citizenship
  • Sport program & Fitness and Wellness (Specialidrott & idrott och hälsa) – click here for a more detailed overview.

Music and Dance, Creative Arts

In the Creative Arts Program, students develop their talents in music and drama, sing in school choirs, participate in various concerts and in year 9 perform a musical where the students themselves have written the script and music. Dance in cooperation with Laisings Dance School started in 2020.

Global Citizenship

Vad är internationell kommunikation?

Kommunikation finns överallt i vårt vardagliga liv, och den tar många olika former. Den kan vara verbal, som när vi talar med varandra, men också icke-verbal, som kroppsspråk, ansiktsuttryck och gester. Kommunikation syns också i konst, musik, kläder och mycket mer. Allt detta bidrar till att förmedla budskap och skapa förståelse mellan människor, oavsett kulturell bakgrund.

På vår profil för internationell kommunikation arbetar vi med olika aktiviteter som stärker våra elevers kommunikationsförmågor, både i tal och skrift, men också på kreativa och kulturella sätt. Genom studiebesök, praktiska övningar och diskussioner kopplar vi våra studier till verkligheten och de utmaningar som finns i världen. Vi strävar också efter att utveckla våra elever till bättre världsmedborgare (global citizens), som förstår och kan bidra till en hållbar och rättvis framtid.

Vårt arbete är nära kopplat till de globala målen för hållbar utveckling, och vi försöker ge våra elever en bredare världsbild genom internationella perspektiv. En viktig del av vår utbildning är också den resa vi erbjuder, där eleverna får möjlighet att uppleva och studera kommunikation i en annan kultur och på ett internationellt plan.

What is International Communication?

Communication is all around us in our daily lives, and it takes many different forms. It can be verbal, like when we talk to each other, but also non-verbal, through body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Communication can also be found in art, music, fashion, and much more. All of these elements contribute to conveying messages and creating understanding between people, regardless of cultural background.

In our International Communication profile, we engage in various activities that enhance our students’ communication skills, both in spoken and written forms, as well as through creative and cultural expressions. Through study visits, practical exercises, and discussions, we connect our studies to real-world challenges. We also aim to develop our students into better global citizens who understand and contribute to a sustainable and just future.

Our work is closely tied to the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development, and we aim to provide our students with a broader worldview through international perspectives. An essential part of our program is the opportunity to travel, where students can experience and study communication in another culture and on a global level.

Sports program

The school collaborates with 6 leading sports associations in Täby (Täby Basket, Täby Badminton, Näsby Park Tennisklubb, Österåkers FC, Täby HC) as well as a locally trained Floorball team (innebandy).

Students who choose sports program may exercise their sport during extended school hours in order to develop their skills. We offer football, basketball, badminton, floorball, ishockey, dance and tennis. In physical education, students can try out a variety of sports and at the same time act as coaches for the sports team that participate in various tournaments.

To find out more follow this link

Fitness & Wellness

Students who choose fitness and wellness have an ‘extra’ sports lesson on their timetable. This additional sports lesson with one of our teachers, is the opportunity to do things outside of the normal sports lessons. These activities extend and challenge students to try new sports, unusual sports, plan lessons and use the lessons to test their leadership skills.


We welcome you to Futuraskolan International Bergtorp!

7G studerar kraft, rörelse och friktion. Att mäta tyngden istället för massan kräver nya mätinstrument! #futuraskolan #futuraskolanbergtorp #physics #physicsfun thanks @tinal71

7G studerar kraft, rörelse och friktion. Att mäta tyngden istället för massan kräver nya mätinstrument! #futuraskolan #futuraskolanbergtorp #physics #physicsfun thanks @tinal71 ...

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Ung fritid i Täby in collaboration with our students 🤩👍 #Futuraskolan #futuraskolanbergtorp #hörnet_täby

Ung fritid i Täby in collaboration with our students 🤩👍 #Futuraskolan #futuraskolanbergtorp #hörnet_täby ...

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@rockarockasockorna - learning about Down’s syndrome during our ‘Lika, Olika’ week. #futuraskolan #futuraskolanbergtorp #futuraskolan_gcp #futuraskolan_media #downsyndrome #rockasockorna

@rockarockasockorna - learning about Down’s syndrome during our ‘Lika, Olika’ week. #futuraskolan #futuraskolanbergtorp #futuraskolan_gcp #futuraskolan_media #downsyndrome #rockasockorna ...

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The fabulous’Fab’ visited us today to talk with Grade 9’s. She spoke about the importance of women’s rights and the need for all of us to speak out for everyone’s human rights. She told the story of 10 women who were executed in Iran for their religious beliefs. #ourstoryisone #internationalwomensday2025 #internationalwomensday #futuraskolan #futuraskolanbergtorp #futuraskolan_gcp #futuraskolan_media

The fabulous’Fab’ visited us today to talk with Grade 9’s. She spoke about the importance of women’s rights and the need for all of us to speak out for everyone’s human rights. She told the story of 10 women who were executed in Iran for their religious beliefs. #ourstoryisone #internationalwomensday2025 #internationalwomensday #futuraskolan #futuraskolanbergtorp #futuraskolan_gcp #futuraskolan_media ...

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Contact us
Information & Admissions/Antagning Mari Käll +46 (0) 727-44 33 13
School Nurse Head Office Skolhälsan +46 (0) 8-92 85 84
Find us
Viggbyholmsvägen 59, 183 69 Täby