Global Citizenship Program - Futuraskolan
International Curriculum International School of Stockholm

Working at Home – Local – Global

In a world that is full of learning possibilities, Futuraskolan International leads the way in developing international mindedness amongst our students, staff and families. With us, they evolve to become tolerant, attentive, respectful, curious, communicative and contributing individuals to the society and the world around.

Futuraskolan wishes to make more concrete how we work with the development of global citizenship, our international profile, our promise and our value ground. In the development of global citizenship, we want to nurture an action orientation by getting more of our staff and students/children involved in community service and exchange in order to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. This exchange is intended to happen on both a local, national and international level.

Through feeding programs, home visits, sharing of knowledge and learning the connection between Futuraskolan and the international community is strengthened.

Day 6 of the GCP Greece Trip!🇬🇷✨ 

Today, our students had an amazing hands-on experience learning to make authentic Greek food at the Hotel Brain Academy! Using seasonal and locally sourced ingredients, they crafted delicious dishes and, of course, enjoyed every bite of their hard work. 

Afterward, we headed back to our hotel to pack up, with some students soaking up the last bit of beach time while others caught up on some much-needed rest. The evening wrapped up on the hotel veranda with pizza and heartfelt thank-yous from the students to our incredible chaperones—and, of course, the amazing Fareeha for organizing such an unforgettable trip! 

#ErasmusPlus #GCP #Futuraskolan #SDG #Sustainability #GlobalCitizenship

Day 6 of the GCP Greece Trip!🇬🇷✨

Today, our students had an amazing hands-on experience learning to make authentic Greek food at the Hotel Brain Academy! Using seasonal and locally sourced ingredients, they crafted delicious dishes and, of course, enjoyed every bite of their hard work.

Afterward, we headed back to our hotel to pack up, with some students soaking up the last bit of beach time while others caught up on some much-needed rest. The evening wrapped up on the hotel veranda with pizza and heartfelt thank-yous from the students to our incredible chaperones—and, of course, the amazing Fareeha for organizing such an unforgettable trip!

#ErasmusPlus #GCP #Futuraskolan #SDG #Sustainability #GlobalCitizenship

"There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin colour, or religion."
Malala Yousafzai

All our children at Futuraskolan International Preschool Näsby Park had a fun-filled day celebrating **Rock Your Socks Day**, where we explored what makes us unique and how we share similarities.

We explained the significance of this celebration and discussed why it’s important to honor and appreciate our differences 🤍. Although we may look different, we are all children, and we all share the same world 🌍 and attend the same preschool. It's a reminder that we are all connected by our humanity.

We sang the lively *Rocka Sockorna* song and proudly displayed our colorful socks as symbols of individuality.

The theme of inclusion continued with a book focusing on the topic of equality and non-discrimination, directly linking to the children’s rights 2 and 23 under the UN Convention. It was a great way to reinforce the importance of respecting everyone, no matter how different they may seem. It also introduced children to sign language. 🤟 

The celebration also included lots of hands-on fun as  the children decorated mismatched socks using different materials and techniques.


"There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin colour, or religion."
Malala Yousafzai

All our children at Futuraskolan International Preschool Näsby Park had a fun-filled day celebrating **Rock Your Socks Day**, where we explored what makes us unique and how we share similarities.

We explained the significance of this celebration and discussed why it’s important to honor and appreciate our differences 🤍. Although we may look different, we are all children, and we all share the same world 🌍 and attend the same preschool. It`s a reminder that we are all connected by our humanity.

We sang the lively *Rocka Sockorna* song and proudly displayed our colorful socks as symbols of individuality.

The theme of inclusion continued with a book focusing on the topic of equality and non-discrimination, directly linking to the children’s rights 2 and 23 under the UN Convention. It was a great way to reinforce the importance of respecting everyone, no matter how different they may seem. It also introduced children to sign language. 🤟

The celebration also included lots of hands-on fun as the children decorated mismatched socks using different materials and techniques.


"Rocking our socks" to support Down Syndrome awareness drives # Zero discrimination - @Stockholm, Bilingual

"Rocking our socks" to support Down Syndrome awareness drives # Zero discrimination - @Stockholm, Bilingual ...