You Can Help Us Progress
By telling us what we are doing well, but also addressing things that we can do better, you contribute to our quality and development work. All comments and complaints received are reported, analyzed, remedied and followed up. The experience is then returned to the organization as part of our development of the business.
Initial Contact
Opinions or complaints about the daily activities are usually handled initially by teaching educators or mentors. Complaints relating to the organization are handled in the next step by the principal. For example, you may be unhappy with the actions taken by the school regarding the teaching of your child. Complaints on the conduct of the principal are in turn managed by the organization director (huvudman). All complaints are handled confidentially.
Comments on the organization director’s handling of a case can in turn be reported to the municipality regarding the preschool or the School Inspectorate regarding the school.
Procedures for handling complaints
In the Education Act, chapter 4. Section 8 states that: “the principal must have written procedures for receiving and investigating complaints against the education. Information about the routines must be provided in an appropriate manner.” It is the organization director (huvudman) who has ultimate responsibility for handling complaints.’’
As a guardian, you are welcome to present your complaints or opinions orally or in writing. In the first instance, you should address your complaint/point of view to the teachers at the preschool. If you want to submit a written complaint anonymously, it is possible to leave it in the preschool’s mailbox. If we receive an anonymous complaint or an anonymous point of view, we treat it according to the same procedure as non-anonymous complaints/points of view.
You can also email your views to the principal of your preschool or to the organization director (huvudman) of Futuraskolan preschools. The email address for the respective pre-school’s principal can be found on Tyra. Email address for organization director (huvudman):
The purpose of the complaint handling procedures is to:
- Strengthen your influence as guardian
- Promote an open dialogue between guardians and educators
- Ensure that any deficiencies are rectified as quickly as possible
- Ensure that your views are taken into account as quickly as possible and that you receive feedback
- Develop the quality of the business.
Who do I make my complaints to?
We encourage comments or complaints to be raised directly with the educators on site. All views on operations and/or personnel are handled in accordance with the steps described below:
Step 1
If there is something that does not meet your expectations or that you are dissatisfied with in your child’s education, you should first bring it up to your child’s teachers at the preschool. The pedagogues always have a dialogue with the principal about received complaints or opinions. The principal reports the received complaints about the education to the organization director (huvudman). The guardians receive feedback, which means, for example, an early response that the complaint has been received.
Step 2
If your dissatisfaction persists after talking with the teachers, we ask you to turn to the principal with your complaint. The rector then further investigates the reason why the complaint persists. The organization director is informed of the further investigation.
In order to be able to follow up and remedy the deficiencies in a systematic way, the organization director analyses the complaint received together with the preschool staff. The analysis can give a clear picture of which measures need to be implemented in the short and long term. Based on the mapping of the complaint and the measures, the organization director writes a report.
Step 3
If, after contacting the principal, you still have a complaint or point of view, you contact the organization director and present your complaint or point of view. The organization director, together with the principal, then investigates the reason why the complaint still persists.
What happens to the complaint after it is submitted?
All complaints are investigated, documented and followed up by the teachers and principal and organization director. The principal reports all complaints submitted to the education to the organization director. When a complaint is received by the organization director, he conducts an impartial investigation efficiently and quickly in cooperation with the relevant principal.
The investigation consists of four parts:
- Mapping,
- Analysis
- Proposals for measures in the short and long term to remedy any deficiencies
- Follow-up – how has the complaint been handled, what do we need to improve for next time
Everyone who is affected by the complaint is allowed to speak and the investigation must be documented and everyone also receives feedback regarding the handling of the complaint.
The organization director supports the principal’s systematic quality work and follows up the preschool’s complaint handling.
Complaint handling is an important source of information for the principal’s systematic quality work. It also forms an important basis for the principal’s work with the promotion and development of education. In order to be able to remedy the complaints in a systematic way, it is necessary that the principal analyse, follow up and evaluate the basis of the quality work.
Preventive work
Educators at the preschool need to pay attention to views that emerge during daily contact with the guardians, at parent meetings and development discussions. By making use of and conducting a dialogue about points of view, it becomes possible to prevent complaints.
A notification can always be made directly to the School Inspectorate.
- Complaints can be communicated to the school / preschool by e-mail, telephone conversation, letter or in a personal meeting.
- Form for comments and complaints in Swedish can be found here
- Form for comments and complaints in English can be found here
More information:
Have you discovered something you would like to report?
We have a whistleblower function where you can provide information anonymously about misconduct. You can submit your report digitally, to a voicemail by phone or book a meeting. +4636-330 07 40