Letter from the Head of Pedagogical Development – Futuraskolan – October 27, 2021 - Futuraskolan
International Curriculum International School of Stockholm
Oct 27 2021

Dear Members of the Futuraskolan International School Community,

During the last few years, Sweden has moved towards grading students in Years 4 and 5. At this point in time Skolverket has decided that it is an optional process, meaning each school can decide whether or not they want to implement grades at these year levels. We had initial discussions about this last spring with our principals which have continued into the fall.

We see this as a natural progression for our students. Recently, grades have been implemented into Year 6, and clearly Sweden is moving in the direction of having full implementation in Years 4 and 5 as well.

As part of our commitment to the students in our community to provide the best preparatory process for future world citizens, we have taken the decision to administer grades to students in grades 4 and 5 at all Futuraskolan International schools. It is our belief that personal development based on academic achievement is one of the core benefits that we can instill in our students in this competitive global marketplace.

The grades in years 4 and 5 are preliminary in nature and are an outstanding way to prepare our students for the National Testing process they will experience in grade 6. As well, by having students become aware of the learning points within the curriculum, we can more effectively equip them to approach their challenges in life with confidence and passion.

Please confer with your students’ mentor during their development talks about how this process will be administered in your students’ school. Alternately, you are encouraged to contact your school’s Vice Principal or Principal to hear some of the guidelines and support processes we have put in place to ensure that the students are engaged and equipped.

There are only 28 schools in Sweden that have applied to give grades to students in grades 4 and 5, and we are proud to be a part of this group. In keeping with our commitment to be progressive, we are excited to be amongst the first group of schools in Sweden to administer grades. We believe that this will help our students to be prepared and ahead of their peers when the grading becomes mandatory in Years 4 and 5. We stand committed to challenging our students to be successful future world citizens.

Have a great evening,


Chris Mockrish

Head of Pedagogic Development
Futuraskolan AB