Letter from the CEO – Futuraskolan’s students set an impressive new standard
Good morning members of the Futuraskolan International community,
I write to you this morning to express my appreciation and gratitude for all of your tremendous efforts over the past academic year. Late last week we had our final grades for the term reported and confirmed with Skolverket and the results reflect the high expectations and ambitious standards of all of us who are a part of the Futuraskolan movement.
In 2018-2019 the following free school organizations grade 9 graduating class achieved the following grade point averages:
Futuraskolan 277.18
Internationella Engelska Skolan 271.0
Kunskapsskolan 260.6
Vittra 239.7
Academedia 231.0
Thoren 224.5
Europaskolan 241.4
This year as a result of the inspired work of our amazing teachers and support staff our grade 9 average was 277.58.
Your efforts and dedication have once again placed us in the position to be recognized as the most successful free school organization in Sweden.
With structured and engaging leadership, a top flight staff of personnel and an ambitious academic program in place, it’s no surprise that your work has resulted in this recognition.
These results speak loudly of the impressive efforts of the entire organizational community.
Every morning the teams at our production kitchens prepare a green salad, a carbohydrate salad, a mixed salad, a vegetarian main course and a general main course. The lunch is then delivered to our various schools and preschools. After being put on display the kitchen staff help make sure our kids are fed, while moving through their lunch schedule, all with an encouraging voice and a smile on their face. That’s an impressive feat! One that deserves recognition and attention.
Our cleaning crews make sure we have warm and welcoming learning environments to enter every morning. Our maintenance team is top notch, and our IT Development team keep the entire organization moving forward and running smoothly. They and our amazing collection of international pedagogues and care givers deserve our thanks for consistently delivering our ambitious programs and policies in a compassionate, vibrant and progressive way.
Probably the most unsung heroes of this accolade are the parents and families in our community. Parents are often the forgotten resource in schools these days. You’re the ones who sit and do homework with your kids at night. You’re the ones who check their planners. You make sure they exercise and eat right. Your engagement on the organizational surveys is always on a high percentage. You’re all taking turns as class representatives. We never have parents skip student development talks. You’re vocal, and engaged and your feedback over the year has helped us to more effectively adjust to the needs of the various members of the community.
Please take the time this time to reflect on the impressive standard you all have set for our students’ academic and social development. In working towards our aim of being an innovator in global education our efforts always begin at home. Fortunately, your work over the past year have placed us in a position to excel beyond our current grasp.
Thank you for all of your tremendous efforts and dedication everyone. I’m honoured to be working alongside of you and am confident that Futuraskolan will continue to be the industry standard through the 2020-2021 academic year and far beyond.
Have a fantastic summer everyone.
Tom Callahan
CEO – Futuraskolan AB