Letter from the CEO - Futuraskolan - August 20, 2021 - Futuraskolan
International Curriculum International School of Stockholm
Aug 20 2021

Letter from the CEO – Futuraskolan – August 20, 2021

Good afternoon amazing students of Futuraskolan International,

I stood outside Futuraskolan International Kottla on Tuesday to welcome back some of our best and brightest academic achievers from their summer break. Over the course of the week I’ve been lucky enough to greet our superstars from Futuraskolan International Rådan and Stockholm as well. Like all of you, they were excited to see their friends and get their schedules for what I’m sure will be an exciting year for all of us.

You all endured a year of monumental challenges during your last academic sessions. I know many of you, like myself, come from countries where the situation isn’t as developed as here in Sweden. Please know that all of us at Futuraskolan extend our best wishes and good energy to your family and friends overseas.

What doesn’t take us down only makes us stronger. As we embark on our journey this year I am warmed and confident in you and your vigilance to forge on with the character and dedication that has come to define all of you at Futuraskolan schools and preschools.

Last year was partly defined by your impressive academic achievements.

Futuraskolan International Kottla’s students continued their impressive academic run of being one of the top 30 schools in the country. Futuraskolan International Hertig Karl and Futuraskolan International Bergtorp exploded on to the scene by achieving results that puts them in the conversation of Sweden’s academic elite. Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm had their international testing results place them in the top 20% of all schools in Scandinavia.

And of course Futuraskolan International Stockholm and Futuraskolan International Rådan continue their amazing run of success by exceeding last year’s results which placed them as the number 4 and number 9 ranked schools in Sweden.

Overall it was you, the hard working students in all Futuraskolan schools who helped us achieve a final grade point average of 280 points. Last year we were the top ranked organizations Sweden with 277 points.

Once again young ladies and gentlemen, your efforts brought championship results. We are honored to be working alongside all of you.

I have a challenge for you all this year. That challenge is to look deep inside yourselves over the next academic year to identify your gift.

Pablo Picasso once said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift, and the purpose of life is to give it away.” So we ask of you, what will you hone and develop within yourself today, so that you can better lend your gift to the world tomorrow?

Will it be in the realm of politics and your participation in our Model United Nations national student conference? Maybe it will be in the literary sphere by participating in the Futuraskolan Literary Prize competition? Perhaps instead you will decide to participate in our Global Citizenship Project and raise awareness of those less fortunate than us? Or perhaps the arts are where your gift lies which you can share with us all at the Futuraskolan Music Festival or Master Chef Competition?

Or, perhaps your talents lie in organizational development or entrepreneurship? The Futuraskolan Student Leaders Development Program might be of interest to you.

My success zone was always a classroom. That is the place I could truly embrace and share my gift. My uncle was an inventor, his zone was a dirty old garage filled with technological fixtures and parts. My dad embraced the courtroom and the mental challenge of trying a case. My mom’s safe place was behind a canvas with a palette of paints.

Where if your success zone? What is the garden from which you will bloom and grow?

During your development talks in October you’ll be discussing your academic overview with your mentor and parents in hopes of finding a few areas of development. Don’t forget to give very close attention and time to the areas where you’re already succeeding as well. Those are the building blocks of your customized future, so embrace your successes. Often times it is there where we uncover the gift we have to give to the world.

I, your parents and the staff at all our schools and preschools are proud of you. During the past year you engaged in many support programs to better the condition of those in our local and global communities. And of course, your efforts throughout the year resulted in Futuraskolan scoring amongst the top, if not the very top, of all academic institutions in Sweden.

We are thrilled to watch you work and achieve like you do and we are honored to be a part of your shared journey. As we embark on the next path in our adventure I ask you to reflect once again on Picasso’s words, “the meaning of life is to find your gift, and the purpose of life is to give it away.”

Where will you make your impact? What steps will you take to create your customized future? What will you lend to your fellow world citizen to help them find their own light?

The answer is within you. We can’t wait to see what cool and amazing things you create. And we are honored that you’ve chosen to let us be a part of your journey.

2021-2022 academic year, here we come.

Let’s rise and shine!

Sincerely yours,
