Grade 6's Big Global Citizenship Adventure! - Futuraskolan
International Curriculum International School of Stockholm
Sep 4 2024

Grade 6 had a big adventure through the Global Citizenship Program!

Futuraskolan International Rådan and Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm’s 6th graders had an incredible time at Futuraskolan Global Citizenship first ever 6th Grade trip to Äventyrsbanan, Nacka. Our students learned about environmental stewardship through the Organization Hands 2 Ocean -helping pull out trash from the Lake Mälaren -we’re talking tires, washing machines etc. They also had a chance to Team Build and challenge themselves by going on high ropes, hiking over 4 kilometres through the picturesque forest and more.

Thank you to all our students and chaperones for making this trip so special. We can’t wait to do it again next year and hopefully send out all grade 6 students at Futuraskolan International!

This was a camping trip filled with adventure, learning, and camaraderie. We will share more from this trip in the weeks to come showing how our students worked together and created lasting memories.

Have a look below for our day-to-day summary of our adventurous 3-day trip!

Day 1 Summary:

60 Learners across our two schools  Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm and Futuraskolan International Rådan, hiked through Nackareservatet from our campsite at Äventyrsbana, all the way to Duvnäs Marina. Together with the environmental organization Hands2Ocean, we helped clean up the underwater environment around Stockholm.

Our 6th graders helped volunteer scuba divers haul up an assortment of waste objects, including boat batteries, truck and bicycle tires, mobile phones, metal pipes and much more. Magnet fishing (using strong magnets on a line to pull up metal objects) was a popular activity (and should be considered as a future Olympic event). Thank you Hands2Ocean and Futuraskolan’s 6th graders for helping clean up a small corner of the world today. What a great day and learning experience!

Day 2 Summary:

The day began bright and early with a beautiful sunrise through the forest. After breakfast, the activities ramped up. The Hands2Ocean theme continued with trash art construction for half our learners. The other half were challenged in the form of a high ropes course! After lunch we switched.
Personal reflection has been part of the theme of this experience for our learners and there have been some amazing conversations learners have had amongst themselves, and with staff about their experiences and reflections.

Our Grade 6 GCP environmental adventure camp day 2 saw our learners overcoming new challenges in climbing in the trees on a high ropes course and engaging creativity in building art projects from the marine debris we helped pull out of the water from a local marina yesterday. We climbed and ziplined between platforms up in the trees, and built trash snowmen, fires, octopus, giraffes, cafes and more in art projects on the ground. Fredrik from Hands2Ocean was on hand to hear our learners’ creative storytelling in explaining their “trash art” constructions.

The @futuraskolan_international and @futuraskolan_radan adventure continues!

Day 3 Summary:

On our way home on the bus Learners were very tired but incredibly happy.
We began the day early again by the campfires – a much easier and chill day, with team-building activities and games delivered by our Physical Education teachers. And lots of time to relax and reflect on our journey.
Huge thank you to Hands2Ocean for their partnership, and Äventyrsbanan Stockholm for an amazing stay!


#6thGradeCampingTrip #AdventureAwaits #ExploreNature #GlobalCitizenship #Annual6thGradeTrip #EnvironmentalEducation #UnforgettableMemories #globalcitizenship #hands2ocean #futuraskolan #savetheplanet #sdg12 #sdg14