Futuraskolan Bilingual Stockholm Grade 5 Wins 1st Place in Coding Competition! - Futuraskolan
International Curriculum International School of Stockholm
Dec 10 2021

Good News!

Futuraskolan Bilingual Stockholm Grade 5 has won 1st place in a coding competition organised by Kodcentrum and Chalmers!!

The students have been creating their projects on Scratch and the topic for this year’s challenge was “Digitala lösningar i pandemins spår” (“Digital Solutions in the Wake of the Pandemic”).

Grade 5’s project ‘Fido’ was chosen among 130(!) other projects in Sweden! 🎉



The Jury’s Motivation for the winning entry:
The winning entry in “The Code Challenge” has a creative story and a clear idea that could solve several societal challenges in the wake of the pandemic. The contribution has innovative coding and technical height, a concern for the individual and an interaction between man and robot. The jury sees a great solution that can aid many as well as give them joy.

(in Swedish) Juryns motivering till vinnarbidraget:
Det vinnande bidraget i “Kodutmaningen” har en kreativ berättelse och en tydlig idé som skulle kunna lösa flera samhällsutmaningar i pandemins spår. Bidraget har nytänkande kodning och teknisk höjd, en omtanke för individen samt ett samspel mellan människa och robot. Juryn ser en fin lösning som många skulle kunna få glädje och hjälp av.

Read the announcement on Kodcentrums website: https://www.kodboken.se/start/kodutmaningen

Here is the link to our winning project on Scratch (public): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/582701864/

Congratulations Grade 5 Stockholm, we are proud of you!